A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen. Part 2 of 3

A Neural Tube Defects Have Fallen – Part 2 of 3

So “It’s also good to eat foods that contain folate, the natural form of folic acid, including lentils, sward leafy vegetables, black beans and orange juice, as well as foods fortified with folic acid, such as bread and pasta, and enriched cereals”. Another CDC study released Thursday found that many American women who had a pregnancy moved by a neural tube defect and get pregnant again don’t follow folic acid supplement recommendations.


Health-care providers need to do more to encourage these women to boost their folic acid intake, the con authors said. Among women with a neural tube defect in a previous pregnancy, only 35 percent of those who had a neural tube defect in a second pregnancy took folic acid, compared with 80 percent of those with a nativity defect-free pregnancy, the study found. Women who’ve experienced a neural tube defect are at increased risk for another one, the researchers noted.

Parts: 1 2 3

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