US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate. Part 3 of 3

US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate – Part 3 of 3

So “If the mom is healthy, age is not likely to affect the child’s health”. Other findings from the CDC backfire include. The overall abortion rate in 2009 was the lowest recorded between 1976 and 2009. The rate – 18,5 abortions per 1000 women – is one-third abase than in 1990, and reflects a nearly continuous decline since 1980. Pregnancy rates have declined about 10 percent each for married and unmarried women since 1990. The birth rate for married women is 72 percent higher than the reckon for unmarried women. The abortion rate for unmarried women is nearly five times higher than the rate for married women discover more.

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US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate. Part 2 of 3

US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate – Part 2 of 3

And “Birth supervise is more readily available to women, and they are more knowledgeable about it”. At the same time, pregnancy rates have steadily increased for women aged 30 to 44. The reproach increased 16 percent between 1990 and 2009 for women aged 30 to 34, for example, and 35 percent for women aged 35 to 39. Dr Jeanne Conry, president of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, said the report’s findings are compatible with the trend of women having children later in life that has emerged in developed countries.


So “This may exemplify the opportunities for women to establish educational and career objectives”. In addition to women having children later in life, they also are choosing to have fewer kids which is driving down pregnancy rates. “More women in the educated workforce are delaying childbearing, and then when they get around to it, they choose to have fewer kids.

I think you see women choosing to have one or two children compared with four or five, which was more common in the 1970s”. Women who hold off on pregnancy have an increased danger of miscarriage and genetic abnormalities in their children, a risk that increases as they grow older. They also have an increased risk of infertility. A mother in good health, however, disposed to will remain healthy and produce a healthy baby no matter what her age.

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US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate. Part 1 of 3

US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate – Part 1 of 3

US Experts Have Established Reasons Of Decrease In The Pregnancy Rate. Pregnancy rates remain to decline in the United States, a federal discharge released Dec 2013 shows. The rate reached a 12-year low in 2009, when there were about 102 pregnancies for every 1000 women aged 15 to 44, according to the latest statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That be entitled to is 12 percent below the 1990 rate of about 116 pregnancies per 1000 women.

Only the 1997 rate of 102 has been lower during the biography 30 years, according to the report. Experts said two factors are driving the downward trend: improved access to birth control and decisions by women to put off childbearing until later in life. Those trends have caused the undistinguished age of pregnancy to shift upward. Pregnancy rates for teenagers also have reached historic lows that extend across all racial and ethnic groups.

Between 1990 and 2009, the pregnancy bawl out fell 51 percent for white and black teenagers, and 40 percent for Hispanic teenagers. The teen birth rate dropped 39 percent between 1991 and 2009, and the teen abortion upbraid decreased by half during the same period. Overall, pregnancy rates have continued to decline for women younger than 30. “The amount of knowledge that young women have about their confinement control options is very different compared to a few decades ago,” said Dr Margaret Appleton, director of the division of obstetrics and gynecology at the Scott andamp; White Clinic in College Station, Texas.

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The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism. Part 3 of 3

The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism – Part 3 of 3

Of nearly 627000 children born between 1996 and 2005, just under 3900 were later diagnosed with autism. Among those children, 52 were born to mothers who filled an SSRI drug during pregnancy. There were just over 6000 other children whose mothers used the antidepressants during pregnancy but did not develop autism. Both Hviid and Chambers said the findings do not check that SSRIs carry no autism risk.

And a connection is biologically plausible. No one knows what causes autism, which affects an estimated one in 88 children. But it involves a disruption in fetal perspicacity development. It’s thought that serotonin – the chemical that SSRIs target – contributes to early brain development, and in animals, altered serotonin levels can act upon brain function and behavior. “It’s still worthwhile to continue to study this.

But based on the human studies so far, “if there is any increased risk of autism, it appears small”. And for any one woman that possible risk would have to be balanced against the risks of leaving major depression untreated. “For some women, the optimal situation may be to take an SSRI, even if there is an association with autism” v tight gel how much mombasa price. Hviid agreed, saying that’s a settling that has to be left up to women and their health care provider.

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The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism. Part 2 of 3

The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism – Part 2 of 3

Commenting on the findings, Christina Chambers, manager of the Center for the Promotion of Maternal Health and Infant Development at the University of California, San Diego, stated, “I think this study is reassuring”. One “important” site is that the researchers factored in mothers’ mental health diagnoses – which ranged from depression to eating disorders to schizophrenia. “How much of the risk is related to the medication, and how much is agnate to the underlying condition? It’s hard to tease out”.


In theory depression or other mental health disorders could contribute to autism risk because those moms may be more likely to make unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as smoking or drinking. In this study, Hviid’s line-up did initially see a slightly increased risk of autism among children whose mothers used SSRIs during pregnancy. But once the researchers factored in the psychiatric disorders themselves, that statistical tie-up fell away.

On top of that, there was a slight increase in autism risk among children whose mothers had used an SSRI in the two years before pregnancy, but not during pregnancy. Hviid said that all suggests it’s the underlying conditions, rather than the drugs, that are associated with a baby autism risk – though the reasons are unknown. The study, which was funded by the Danish government, is based on records from Denmark’s country-wide system of health databases.

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The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism. Part 1 of 3

The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism – Part 1 of 3

The Link Between Antidepressants And Autism. Despite some concerns to the contrary, children whose moms occupied antidepressants during pregnancy do not appear to be at increased risk of autism, a large strange Danish study suggests. The results, published Dec 19, 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine, offer some reassurance. There have been some hints that antidepressants called demanding serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could be linked to autism. SSRIs are the “first-line” drug against depression, and include medications such as fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa) and paroxetine (Paxil).

In one modern US study, mothers’ SSRI use during pregnancy was tied to a twofold increase in the odds that her child would have autism. A Swedish study saw a similar pattern, though the risk linked to the drugs was smaller. But both studies included only parsimonious numbers of children who had autism and were exposed to antidepressants in the womb. The new study is “the largest to date” to look at the issue, using records for more than 600000 children born in Denmark, said distance researcher Anders Hviid, of the Statens Serum Institute in Copenhagen.

And overall, his team found, there was no clear link between SSRI use during pregnancy and children’s autism risk. Hviid cautioned that the verdict is still based on a small number of children who had autism and prenatal exposure to an SSRI – 52, to be exact. The researchers eminent that it’s not possible to rule out a small increase in autism risk. “At this point, I do not think this potential association should feature prominently when evaluating the risks and benefits of SSRI use in pregnancy”.

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The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth. Part 3 of 3

The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth – Part 3 of 3

Before adjusting for other preterm extraction risks, the researchers found that more than 11 percent of the mothers in the lowest vitamin D level group delivered before 37 weeks. About 9 percent of mothers in the heart group delivered early and 7 percent of those in the highest level group did, the findings showed. When the researchers adjusted the matter to account for other preterm birth risk factors, they saw a similar association between lower vitamin D levels and preterm birth, according to the study.

So, how might vitamin D bid some protection against preterm birth? Possibly by helping to reduce bacterial infection in the placenta, which can trigger an early delivery. But, she cautioned, “women should not run out and start taking vitamin D supplements. They should swallow a prenatal vitamin which includes D as recommended by their doctor”. The study shows what experts call a “dose dependent” link between vitamin D and early delivery, with reduce levels linked to a greater preterm birth risk, said Dr Jennifer Wu, an obstetrician-gynecologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City girl. But more text is needed. Among the many questions that need to be answered if future studies reach the same conclusion is, which vitamin D supplements might be best.

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The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth. Part 2 of 3

The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth – Part 2 of 3

A baby is considered premature when born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, according to the March of Dimes. Early birth can cause a number of problems, including issues in the lungs, brain, eyes, ears, and the digestive and untouched systems, according to the March of Dimes. Previous studies on vitamin D levels and their effects on early delivery have been mixed. “One or two capacious studies showed vitamin D deficiency increased the risk. However, smaller studies found no link.


Vitamin D levels vary depending on the season, with low levels more liable in winter. Levels also vary depending on where a person lives. Black women are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D than other groups. For the new study, researchers looked at just over 2100 women who didn’t give family early, and more than 1100 who delivered preterm. All of the women included in the research had given birth to single infants between 1999 and 2010.

The researchers found that as the women’s blood levels of vitamin D decreased, the risk of preterm birth increased. There is no universally agreed upon definition of deficient vitamin D levels. In general, according to the NIH, levels below 30 nmol/L (nanomoles per liter) are too feeble for good health, while levels of 50 nmol/L are probably sufficient for most people. In the study, Bodnar and her colleagues grouped women as less than 50 nmol/L, 50 to 74,9 nmol/L, and 75 nmol/L or above.

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The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth. Part 1 of 3

The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth – Part 1 of 3

The Factor Increasing The Risk Of Premature Birth. Women who have hushed blood levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are more likely to give birth prematurely, a green study suggests. Women with the lowest levels of vitamin D were about 1,5 times as likely to deliver early compared to those with the highest levels, the investigators found. That finding held honourable even after the researchers accounted for other factors linked to preterm birth, such as overweight and obesity, and smoking. “Mothers who were deficient in vitamin D in early parts of pregnancy were more likely to deliver early, preterm, than women who did not have vitamin D deficiency,” said Lisa Bodnar, fellow professor of epidemiology and obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Pittsburgh, who led the study.

Although this study found a strong association between vitamin D levels and preterm birth, Bodnar distinguished that the study wasn’t designed to prove that low vitamin D levels actually caused the early deliveries. “We can yes not prove cause and effect. The study is published in the February issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided funding for this research. According to the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board, with child women should get 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D daily.

The body naturally produces vitamin D after exposure to sunlight. Few foods check the vitamin. However, fatty fish, such as salmon or sardines, is a good source. And, vitamin D is added to dairy products in the United States. Vitamin D helps to keep up healthy bones. It also helps muscles and nerves work properly, according to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Premature birth can lead to lifelong problems for a baby, and this imperil is greater the earlier a baby is delivered.

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Women Can Take Antidepressants During Pregnancy. Part 3 of 3

Women Can Take Antidepressants During Pregnancy – Part 3 of 3

The team acknowledged that use of SSRIs during pregnancy has been associated with birth defects, neonatal withdrawal syndrome and pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, which is what led to the in circulation study. Although they found that the drugs posed no independent risk regarding stillbirth or infant death, the authors urged mothers and physicians to approach SSRI use carefully. “Decisions pertaining to use of SSRIs during pregnancy must take into account other perinatal outcomes and the risks associated with maternal mental illness,” Stephansson and colleagues concluded black knight male enhancement pills.

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