Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation. Part 3 of 3

Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation – Part 3 of 3

Although Plavix is a everywhere used therapy, many medications have been shown to interfere with its ability to act. “More effective antiplatelet agents – prasugrel Effient and ticagrelor Brilinta – are now available for treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes and do not have the same type of drug interactions,” said Fonarow, who is also a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Bhatt, however, said he is distressed that morphine might have the same effect on these other blood thinners. “I think there’s a reasonable chance the same sensation might occur with both those agents We need further research”.

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Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation. Part 2 of 3

Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation – Part 2 of 3

The painkiller also delayed the body’s absorption of Plavix and decreased blood levels of the drug by about half. It further seemed to diminish the effectiveness of the medication in breaking up blood clots. Although the sanctum showed an association between morphine and diminished effectiveness of Plavix, however, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. “Co-administration of morphine and Plavix should likely be avoided, if possible,” the researchers said.


Their findings were published online Dec 4, 2013 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. This unrealized drug interaction is not well known, and Bhatt said telecast of these findings needs to be distributed as soon as possible. “The first step would be awareness. I don’t think many doctors are going to ever think of this potential interaction”. Bhatt said he isn’t caring about heart attack victims who are taking Plavix prior to their cardiac episode, because the drug already will be built up in their bloodstream.

The people with the most potential for harm are those not taking Plavix who are in the middle of a heart attack and need both agony relief and an immediate high level of the blood thinner in their system. One option to get around this interaction is to get the patient into a catheterization lab as soon as possible to treat the source of the pain rather than using morphine to dull the pain. Doctors might also use other blood-thinning drugs, said Dr Gregg Fonarow, a spokesman for the American Heart Association.

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Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation. Part 1 of 3

Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation – Part 1 of 3

Austrian Scientists Have Determined The Effect Of Morphine On Blood Coagulation. Morphine appears to humble the effectiveness of the commonly used blood-thinning dose Plavix, which could hamper emergency-room efforts to treat heart attack victims, Austrian researchers report. The finding could create serious dilemmas in the ER, where doctors have to weigh a kindness patient’s intense pain against the need to break up and prevent blood clots, said Dr Deepak Bhatt, executive director of interventional cardiovascular programs at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Heart and Vascular Center, in Boston. “If a firm is having crushing heart pain, you can’t just tell them to tough it out, and morphine is the most commonly used medication in that situation,” said Bhatt, who was not elaborate in the study.

And “Giving them morphine is the humane thing to do, but it could also create delays in care”. Doctors will have to be particularly careful if a heart attack patient needs to have a stent implanted. Blood thinners are fault-finding in preventing blood clots from forming around the stent. “If that situation is unfolding, it requires a little bit of extra thought on the part of the physician whether they want to give that full slug of morphine or not”.

About half of the 600000 stent procedures that hold place in the United States each year occur as the result of a heart attack, angina or other acute coronary syndrome. The Austrian researchers focused on 24 flourishing people who received either a dose of Plavix with an injection of morphine or a placebo drug. Morphine delayed the ability of Plavix (clopidogrel) to thin a patient’s blood by an undistinguished of two hours, the researchers said.

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Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers. Part 3 of 3

Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers – Part 3 of 3

Hange said the “most important conclusion from this study is that single women, women who do not work outside the snug harbor and women who smoke are particularly vulnerable to stress. Here, we see a greater need for preventive measures from society”. The next step is to identify methods that doctors can use to help patients deal with stress-related true complaints and illnesses, and to pinpoint ways to reduce stress at work, the researchers said insulin-like growth factor binding protein.

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Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers. Part 2 of 3

Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers – Part 2 of 3

Even after adjusting for smoking, body weight and physical activity levels, there was a innocent link between stress and an increased risk of physical symptoms, the researchers said. The women in the study were followed since the late 1960s. Among those who experienced long-term stress but did not report any stress-related somatic symptoms at the start of the study, 27 percent had new muscular and joint pain symptoms 12 years later, and about 15 percent reported new complaints in the pose of headaches or gastrointestinal problems.


So “Since 1968, women’s lifestyles have changed in many ways,” researcher Dominique Hange said in a university news release. “For example, many more women now production outside the home. Naturally, these changes can affect the experience of stress. Although we’ve used exactly the same question since 1968, we can’t take it for granted that the term ‘stress’ has exactly the same drift today. “It might also be more socially accepted today to acknowledge one’s experience of stress”.

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Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers. Part 1 of 3

Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers – Part 1 of 3

Smoking Women Have A Stress More Often Than Not Smokers. Many middle-aged women occur aches and pains and other physical symptoms as a fruit of chronic stress, according to a decades-long study June 2013. Researchers in Sweden examined long-term data collected from about 1500 women and found that about 20 percent of middle-aged women experienced unswerving or frequent stress during the previous five years. The highest rates of stress occurred among women aged 40 to 60 and those who were single or smokers (or both).

Among those who reported long-term stress, 40 percent said they suffered aches and pains in their muscles and joints, 28 percent master headaches or migraines and 28 percent reported gastrointestinal problems, according to the researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg. The inquiry appeared recently in the International Journal of Internal Medicine 2013.

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Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke. Part 3 of 3

Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke – Part 3 of 3

As far as the risk of stroke is concerned, Krakower thinks more studies are needed to confirm the association or discredit it. He noted that there have been studies that link stroke with depression, but the slang shit of anxiety haven’t been studied in depth. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems people face, and a lot more people have anxiety than depression. “And it’s often overlooked”. Treating anxiety might not put down the risk for stroke, “but it will improve your quality of life” neosize xl plus.

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Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke. Part 2 of 3

Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke – Part 2 of 3

These people were interviewed and had medical tests and completed questionnaires to assess their levels of anxiety and depression. Over the following 22 years, the researchers reach-me-down hospital or nursing home records and death certificates to keep track of strokes among the participants. The investigators found that even after taking into account other factors, even modest increases in anxiety were associated with greater advantage of having a stroke.


So “Everyone has some anxiety now and then. But when it’s elevated and/or chronic, it may have an effect on your vasculature blood vessel system years down the road,” Lambiase said in an American Heart Association announcement release. It’s not clear whether anxiety itself increases the risk of stroke, or if the rise is due to the behaviors these people exhibit. For example, people with high hunger levels are more likely to smoke and be physically inactive, the researchers noted.

In addition, higher stress hormone levels, heart rate or blood pressure could also be factors, Lambiase pointed out. Although the bone up found an association between higher anxiety levels and increased risk of stroke, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. Commenting on the study, Dr Scott Krakower, the assistant unit key of psychiatry at Zucker Hillside Hospital in Glen Oaks, NY, said, “We know that a little bit of anxiety is a good thing, but when anxiety becomes excessive, it takes a striking on the body and needs to be treated”.

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Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke. Part 1 of 3

Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke – Part 1 of 3

Scientists Have Found New Causes Of Stroke. Could apprehension boost the risk for stroke? A new long-term study suggests just that – the greater the anxiety, the greater the imperil for stroke. Study participants who suffered the most anxiety had a 33 percent higher risk for stroke compared to those with the lowest anxiety levels, the researchers found. This is trifle to be one of the first studies to show an association between anxiety and stroke. But not everyone is convinced the connection is real. “I am a little skeptical about the results,” said Dr Aviva Lubin, ally stroke director at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, who had no part in the study.

The researchers pointed out that anxiety can be related to smoking and increased pulse and blood pressure, which are known hazard factors for stroke. However, Lubin still has her doubts. “It still seems a little hard to fully buy into the fact that anxiety itself is a major risk factor that we need to deal with. Lubin said that treating chance factors like smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes are the keys to preventing stroke.

And “I doubt that treating anxiety itself is going to decrease the peril of stroke.The report was published Dec 19, 2013 in the online edition of the journal Stroke. The study was led by Maya Lambiase, a cardiovascular behavioral medicine researcher in the area of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Her team collected data on more than 6000 people aged 25 to 74 when they enrolled in the first US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, started in the initially 1970s.

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Sexting Can Be Dangerous For Teens. Part 3 of 3

Sexting Can Be Dangerous For Teens – Part 3 of 3

For her part, Shari Kessel Schneider, venture director for the Education Development Center in Waltham, Mass, focused on what can be done to help teens make smarter decisions. Educators must mark the permanence of images placed online, and teach children to be resistant to peer pressure in general.

Whether it’s about using drugs or sending a sext, educators should help teens understand that not all their peers are doing it. Parental involvement is important,” Kessel Schneider added. “First of all, parents requisite to expand their effort to teach children about the meaning of a digital footprint. Secondly, they need to invigilator their teen’s phone use helpful resources. I just don’t think a teen is as likely to send a sext if they know a parent is monitoring their phone regularly”.

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